Monday, May 23, 2005

Poison People

Have you ever met a person that you just don't know what to do about? You talk to them and they piss you off, you choose to ignore them and they still find a way to piss you off. So you're trapped with your constant vassilations of what to do just causing this person to constantly piss you off. The interesting thing is that I probably am the same thing to this person. So we are in some sort of relationship defined by annoyance. Hanging at just the right distance to not be able to break away or push closer, held by some odd force. The best thing to do would probably just forget this person...but for some reason you can't. Maybe someday that force will disappear. Maybe someday I will overcome the force. But I am getting tired of "using the force" as it is. I bet the new Star Wars movie sucks like all the other ones.

But enough of that crap.

I went for the first run on the road today around my apartment since I injured my LCL. I made it 2 miles this time before it started to really hurt. I guess that means that it's improving. It was a nice day for a run though. Pretty sad that I can only run 2 miles though. I hope no one decides to chase me anywhere further than 2 miles anytime soon. Interesting thing happened when I got back. I was cooling down outside my apartment and this girl that just moved in opened her door and came out on her balcony and was obviously pretending to do something out there since there is nothing on her balcony. She might have been checking me out. Is it possible that some girls find me attractive? Nah, that's not possible. I couldn't get a good look at her. That is now my mission.

I tried to fix my power windows in my car today and realized that oddly enough they can't be fixed. Well, I guess it's not really odd considering I drive a Chrysler product. I miss my Caprice, I had less trouble with that thing than this car and it was 16 years old when I got it. Whatever happened to roll down windows, do they still make those? Hopefully I only have a few more months with this car before I get a new one. Man, I think I'm gonna buy myself a Rolls, Maybe a Chevrolet.

A cat attacked a chipmunk today, the chipmunk bit the cat causing the cat to jump back and run under my car. Score one for the rodents.

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